Ocular Trauma Surgery


Ocular injuries are the most common cause of acquired uniocular blindness in children. Ocular trauma in children is mainly accidental and has an age-specific pattern. Children are most frequently injured at home by common and relatively innocuous objects. Most injuries occur by mechanical trauma. Sports-related injuries are commonly seen in children in the 5–14 years age group. Penetrating trauma involving the posterior segment of the eye has a poorer prognosis compared to anterior segment trauma. Ocular injuries eventually lead to decrease in vision, cosmetic blemishes and are associated with psychosocial problems.

Early medical management in the form of tetanus prophylaxis and intra- venous broad-spectrum antibiotics is vital to prevent ocular infection. The aim of surgical repair in these cases is a complete watertight closure with restoration of structural integrity. Patients with traumatic retinal detachment need to be operated as early as possible. Adnexal, including eyelid injuries and facial injuries should be addressed as early as possible. Restoration of tissue anatomy is easier and results are more gratifying, if repair is done early in such cases. Preference should be given to multispecialty, coordinated surgical care.

Feel Free to Contact us at +91-9873396608 for your Cataract Surgery in Delhi.