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Children with eye allergies keep on rubbing the eyes and develop severe redness and watering of eyes. They need careful evaluation of the whole eye to see any associated conditions. This develops in kids generally afer 2-3 years of age. A severe form of allergy called as Vernal Keratconjunctivitis is seen in children generally between 5-12 yrs of age. This is recurrent and occurs in every summer season. It is the duty of parents to get the children checked thoroughly every time they see their kids eyes turning red. Donot use over-the-counter drugs in such cases as they can be harmful. Some parents continue putting over-the-counter drops for such conditions which can lead to sight-threatening complications like glaucoma. Frequent rubbing of the eyes can also cause astigmatism (cylinder power) to develop. Therefore regular evaluation for glasses is a must.

Feel free to Contact us at +91-8130780790 for your Child Eye Problems and Eye Surgery.